Do I Qualify?

he RECA and EEOICPA programs are testaments to our nation's unwavering commitment to those who played a pivotal role in safeguarding our country during the Cold War era. These programs provide much-needed compensation and medical benefits to those who selflessly contributed to the nuclear weapons industry, ensuring their well-being and that of their loved ones.

Minner, Miller or Hauler - To qualify for Giving Home Health Care services as a Miner, Miller or Hauler under RECA:

You must have been employed in uranium mines or mills, or transported uranium ore in Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington, or Wyoming at any time during January 1, 1941, to December 31, 1971.

You must have been exposed to 40 or more working-level months of radiation, or worked for at least one year in a uranium mine during the relevant time period. As a uranium miller or transporter, the claimant must have worked for at least one year during the relevant time period.

Compensable diseases include primary lung cancer, cor pulmonale, pneumoconiosis, pulmonary fibrosis, or silicosis. For mill workers or transporters, any kidney disease is additionally qualifying.

Nuclear Worker -To qualify for Giving Home Health Care services as a Nuclear Worker or Department of Energy Employee under EEOICPA:

You must prove you are a current or former employee, contractor, or subcontractor at an approved Department of Energy (DOE) or atomic weapons employer facility. You can view a list of DOE facilities here.

You must also prove you suffer from an illness caused by exposure to radiation or toxins during DOE employment. Common illnesses include cancer, chronic beryllium disease, or silicosis.

Radiation Exposure Screening and Education Program (RESEP) - The Radiation Exposure Screening and Education Program (RESEP), administered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, provides a range of services for individuals who may have been exposed to radiation during their employment in the nuclear weapons industry or uranium mining, milling, or hauling. These services include screenings for radiation-associated illnesses, education on the effects of radiation exposure, and assistance with filing claims for compensation under RECA and EEOICPA.

Contact us to receive help or direction in making your application. It doesn’t need to be a difficult process.